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Submit Your Work

Submission guidelines :

(i) Mention the title of your work and select the genre. You may upload an appropriate image to go along with your subject. If you don’t feel like doing so, no problem, we’ll find it for you.

(ii) Try to keep your work within the 3000-word limit. Before submitting, writers should ensure that their item is properly edited and proofread. We don’t like amateurish stuff. Typos and poor grammar turn us off and are a fit case for rejection.

(iii) Write a brief background about yourself in the Third Person. Tell us about your work status, education, if your write-ups had been published elsewhere, or anything nice about you.

(iv) Use your real name, your full name. No pen names, please.

(v) We love to read only properly formatted documents. Use only Arial font with 1.5 spacing. Lines must be well-aligned and justified (Ctrl + J in MS Word). And do not add color.

(vi) Your profile photo must only be in JPEG format.

(vii) We no longer publish poems. Sorry, but it has a very limited readership.

(viii) Be professionally patient. DO NOT mail us to ask when your work will be published. Nothing rattles us more than an impatient writer. If we like your work, you are bound to hear back from us.

(ix) We advise authors to maintain an active presence on social media to gain more exposure and thereby further their writing career.

(x) The copyright remains with you. You are free to get your work published elsewhere without requiring our permission. We pursue a very liberal policy and in fact, we feel that authors should reach out to the maximum number of platforms to gain publicity. Twist & Twain cannot be the last stop.

(xi) We do not offer a written contract as there is no exchange of money between the author and publisher.

(xii) Once we have published your work, kindly refrain from asking us to take it down later. Try to understand the hard work we do in going through your work, editing it and creating your author profile.