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The Historic AOC/Yoho Incident

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Dateline: Monday, July 21st, 2020. (U.S.A.)

When bullying Florida Republican Congressman Ted Yoho (or is it Yahoo?) picked a fight with New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), on the steps of our nation’s Capitol Building, he obviously and grossly underestimated the constitution of his intended victim.  Yoho was accompanied by Texas Republican Congressman Roger Williams who ultimately displayed even more cowardice than Yoho himself, by later stating that he was in such deep thought that he really wasn’t paying attention to Yoho who was screaming, and therefore didn’t know the content of the conversation.  Not showing much more courage than Williams, a nearby news reporter, The Hill’s Mike Lissis posted that Yoho’s most defamatory statement, made when he walked a few steps away was, “Fucking bitch,”  which according to Lissis, was directed at, “no one in particular.”  Oh really?  No one in particular?  Crack reporting, to be sure.

Dateline: Thursday, July 24th, 2020. (U.S.A.)

Trying to employ damage control, Yoho issued an unapologetic apology on the House floor which reeked of White privilege, husband and daddy (he has two daughters) deflection, and a good measure of Bible thumping to boot.  For her part, AOC was having none of it, issuing a measured, mature and heartfelt rebuttal to Yoho’s doggerel.  Her most telling statement, which honored the memory of her father was, “I’m someone’s daughter too.”

Note to Ted Yoho: You got your ass kicked, buddy.

John C. Krieg (USA)

John C. Krieg is a retired landscape architect and land planner who formerly practiced in Arizona, California, and Nevada. He is also retired as an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist and currently holds seven active categories of California state contracting licenses, including the highest category of Class A .


  1. John C. Krieg
    John C. Krieg Reply

    Thanks Lee; the check is in the mail. All kidding aside, I know old friend, that you feel as I feel, the AOC should run for President in 2024 when she’s old enough. I don’t call her “The Prophet” for nothing – America needs her.

    Readers of this magazine from around the world would love to hear a sage American architect’s views on the state of the built environment and how to possibly house the 68.5 million (and counting) displaced people. What do you say?

    Keep the faith,


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