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Every individual in this world will agree to the fact of living the dream, the life that every person desire, the satisfaction of each wants and needs. There are some lucky ones who are able to achieve it all and there are also people who keep on working their whole life to accomplish those dreams. But that doesn’t mean you have to sulk over it and be unhappy all the time because believe it or not but only you can build the life that you want to live.

When we were kids, we were constantly asked what we want to be when we grow up and the answer would often change with time as we used to get fascinated with whatever we saw in television or even real life. But did you ever perceive that everybody’s life would be so monotonous including yours too? The same old routine repeating every day and the weekends just flying by, are we here just to do our jobs and pay the bills and die?

While you can see some people who are so determined to achieve their goals believe it, these individuals are the real game changers. Sometimes they are often mocked for presuming and trying so hard but these are the people who will shine brightly among us. We should really be inspired by such folks and try to encourage them as they have started to have faith in themselves and initiated their own venture which is remarkably admirable. There are some people who have found themselves by losing something that was very dear to them, and sometimes this type of loss can give a boost and make people realize about how much they are missing out just by not seeking what they want.

As for those who are still doubtful about themselves, you have to gather the confidence to start from somewhere if you really want to accomplish something in your life. The first step is figuring out what you desire in life, once you get a clear perspective, everything else will follow spontaneously. This thought alone can be scary but you have to ask yourself first what is it that you are yearning the most and keep on repeating the notion to yourself every day. It can be anything, from earning lots of money to getting that degree, from starting your own business to finding the love of your life, or from fitting into that gorgeous dress to writing a novel; it all starts with the clear vision of what you wish to attain.

The second phase is to make a plan and act upon it. Every action needs a plan first because without an agenda you won’t have a clue from where to start. It is not a difficult task to prepare a methodical way as our friendly Google is always there to our rescue; you can start by doing some research on the Internet on whatever you are trying to secure. But it will all be futile if you don’t pursue whatever you have planned out, the dreams cannot turn into reality by themselves if not put into action. If you have come so far and put up so much effort into devising a perfect approach, why not start the journey by simply putting these schemes into usage.

The third and most important point is not letting the negativity drown you. As you start your new venture, there will be innumerable people who will keep on showering you with contradictory views, do not let them bring you down. To fulfill a dream you have to face numerous hardships and at some point, you will feel like giving up, but try not to do that. If we got everything in life comfortably, there would be no pleasure in it. These hardships make the journey so invaluable and as you get positive outcomes, you will be glad that you didn’t give up until the end.

Throughout this time, you can get so preoccupied with implementing of your strategies and finding out new ways to thrive in your life, you might miss out to make some treasured memoirs in the way, so it is important to not forget to cherish your moments with your loved ones because they make life living worthwhile. Live your life in such means as when you become old you should have no regrets but lots of good memories that you made in your life.


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Shatarupa Ganguly

Shatarupa is an experienced Content Writer with a passion for creative writing. She is a proficient blogger in multiple domains while also actively engaged in editing diverse contents for the publishing industry. She commands a strong understanding of the media and communication space and also lends her opinion on major issues through her writing.

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