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Story about Cotton Violet, the Unicorn Hacker

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Once upon a time in the future on a far, far away planet called Unicoriux lived Cotton Violet, a teenage unicorn who liked to play computer games and cellphone applications. Cotton Violet spent almost every free moment playing online. She was very good at Roblox, Minecraft and Gatcha Life games. She didn’t like to go out or leave the house at all, because it was more boring than the Internet games.

One day Uzzyxia, the Hacker Witch, showed up on the screen of Violet’s cellphone and said to her: “Cotton Violet, you are so good at playing all these games, would you like to join my Hacker Academy?”

“I always wanted to learn how to hack! YES, I would like to join the Academy. But…is it dangerous?”

“Don’t worry about it, I will protect you!” The Witch smiled with no teeth.

The next day, Cotton Violet entered the Hacker Witch Academy set up in the Dark Web. She started to learn how to hack other unicorns on Roblox and Minecraft games, how to steal their avatars and the accessories they used to construct virtual worlds. Whenever she hacked someone,she would disappear suddenly from the game and no one could find her! Cotton Violet was a very talented student! Very soon, she became a famous Hacker and chose the nickname: Storm Night.

After few weeks, Uzzyxia the Witch started to ask Cotton Violet to do some bad things not only in games, but in real life, like hacking the adult unicorns’ computers and stealing money from their bank accounts, or spying on them. Cotton Violet didn’t want to do those bad things, and she said NO. Oh My GOD! It was a disaster! Uzzyxia got sooo furious! She started screaming at Violet for disobeying her! The Witch yelled: “Listen to me, Storm Night, YOU WILL DO EVERYTHING I SAY, UNDERSTAND? If you don’t obey me, I will hack your parents’ computers and send a dangerous laser signal that will make them blind and deaf FOREVER!!!”

Cotton Violet stopped breathing! She got very, very, very scared… She was terrified that Uzzyxia could really harm her parents.

Unfortunately, Violet thought she had no other choice, so she decided to obey the Witch and do all the bad things she asked for.

Some days passed….and Cotton Violet was so unhappy! She just wanted to escape from this Hacking Prison! She started to hate her computer and cellphone! She just wanted to destroy all the Internet, so her parents could not be hurt. She became more and more sad and silent. Her friends asked her what happened, but Uzzyxia told Cotton Violet that it was a secret and she couldn’t tell anybody about it. Violet was keeping the secret, feeling more and more scared and desperate.

One morning, she saw a Silver haired woman walking on the street with a very strange tattoo on her arm. The tattoo was signed “Storm Night” and represented the same image which Cotton Violet used on her hacker’s profile. How does she know? – thought Violet in her mind. Then, she looked again and realized that the Silver haired woman didn’t look evil at all, in fact she looked like aGood Fairy from a Disney story. Suddenly, Violet saw that the first tattoo disappeared, and another one appeared instead, it was the image of a Shining Star with the words “Follow me.” Cotton Violet felt excited! Maybe this mysterious woman could help her! She decided to follow her. The Fairy walked to a Magic Door and said: “Cotton Violet, if you want to escape from Uzzyxia, go through this door.”

Violet opened the door and entered slowly… A very bright, yellow light started glowing intensely… Then, all of a sudden, Cotton Violet saw her room and herself sleeping calmly on her bed. She realized that she travelled back in time and was tele-transported to the moment before the Witch showed up on her cellphone screen. Cotton Violet understood that the Silver Fairy helped her to change the Future! Now she could say NO to Uzzyxia when she shows up!

And then…something happened in her heart… Cotton Violet felt that she will play less computer games, forget about hacking, spend more time with her parents and playing in the garden. She was free and she was in control of her life! The Future depended only on her decisions! Relaxed and with no more fear, she went back to sleep…

The next morning, when Cotton Violet woke up, she started screaming: “NO, NO, NO, Uzzyxia! I don’t want to be Storm Night!!!”

Then, she realized that it all ended, it was just a NIGHTMARE, and she was safe at home…

Cotton Violet hugged her parents and felt very, very, very HAPPY.


Anna Jozefowicz (ARGENTINA)

Anna Józefowicz was born in Poland, but has lived more than half of her life in Latin America. For many years, she worked for the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on diplomatic missions. She has written a collection of poems entitled "Between Moons", short stories, reportages and academic articles published in Spain, Poland and France. In 2019, she participated in the International Poetry Festival organized by Verbum Publishing House. In 2020, Verbum published her first novel: "The Five Senses of a Communist Childhood" in Spain.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar
    Basia Sokołowska Reply

    Wonderful story. I love it! For children and adults . I enoy reading. Very well written. Keep my attention from the first until the last word. A very talented and clever writer. Congratulations!

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