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T & T Story Writing Contest 2019-20


There was a flash of gold in the window. Shawn, a young boy of nineteen, saw it again, in the topmost window of the tower, the northernmost one, of the Laocoon Estate. Shivering, he tried to put on the chain in the right slot, of his bicycle. It was just his luck to be in trouble by this cursed place. His struggle justly rewarded, Shawn mounted his bicycle and rushed off. The danger around the forsaken place was an almost physical thing. Carved from stones collected from the ancient crumbled castle on the countryside, the Laocoon state is the home of the Laocoon witch. A vengeful woman, her hump was caused by the incident years ago. Shawn’s mother told him, that the witch has once dared to enter their town. Her father, Shawn’s grandfather who was now dead, was the head of the town then. He was the first who…