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T & T Story Writing Contest 2019-20


“That’s my grandson over there. You see the blanket movin’? The one with the most black hair. There, he’s  kickin’ again. He’s my first. I know. I know what you’re thinkin’. That Maurice Exum’s a rickety, old man, but I tell you there’s a reason. “You see, me and Delphena, that’s my wife, well, she’s dead now, not around to see this beautiful, black-haired,grand baby. We wasn’t married until I was near fifty, and she was goin’ on forty. I managed the farm, a little spread abouts thirty-seven acres. By the time we got hitched, I was bent and creaky. You can see it in my wedding picture. Me, in my suit, arms and ankles stickin’ out. I looked like a scarecrow in a gale leanin’ into her. “Well, Delphena, she was an angel. She gave me the best year of my life. Yes, sirree, I saidyear. Sin-gu-lar. She got…