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John C. Krieg is a retired landscape architect and land planner who formerly practiced in Arizona, California, and Nevada. He is also retired as an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist and currently holds seven active categories of California state contracting licenses, including the highest category of Class A General Engineering. He has written a college textbook entitled Desert Landscape Architecture (1999, CRC Press). Additionally, he has co-published an environmental trilogy with Ivy House Publishing Group, and self-published two volumes of poetry, an autobiography entitled Career In Crisis (2007, Ribbonwood Press), and a collection of novellas and essays entitled Ravings From the High Chaparral (2008, Ribbonwood Press). John has had pieces published in A Gathering of the Tribes, Clark Street Review, Conceit, Palm Springs Life, and Pegasus. In conjunction with filmmaker/photographer Charles Sappington, Mr. Krieg has completed a two-part documentary film entitled Landscape Architecture: The Next Generation (2010). John…