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Urban myths abound in today’s society.  We have all heard the ones about leaving a tooth in a glass of Diet Coke overnight and the tooth disappearing, the story about Walt Disney having his body cryogenically preserved, the baby alligators supposedly flushed down the toilet and due to the catastrophic amounts of chemicals in the sewer, growing to astronomical sizes, etc., etc.  But there is an urban legend in Honolulu that defies common sense but I know that it happened; I was there and participated in the creation of this myth.  Some sheriff deputies, Honolulu Police Department officers, and deputy prosecuting attorneys were witness to it. Before reading this, be assured that I try my very best to keep my Irish temper under wraps, I do, but sometimes a person can be provoked beyond the realm of any self-control and sometimes even against a single, solitary iota of common sense. …