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I reached my office, sweaty, bedraggled and in dire need of rear ends to kick. I owed my saintly mood to the soul-sucking, BP-raising, face-purpling rush hour city traffic which I had just survived. When Brian Tracy titled his book ‘Eat that Frog’, he meant ‘Get the most unpleasant chore out of your way’. Well, he probably got this idea while croaking, choking, and gagging below an under-construction flyover. Anyway, after the hearty amphibian breakfast of my own, I steeled myself to get some work done with whatever energy was left after that terrible trip. Here’s something you need to know about my office work culture. Or rather the lack of it. You may goof off, sleep at your desk, play solitaire, or ogle at your curvaceous colleagues. Doesn’t. Bloody. Matter. What matters is standing to attention for – the act that pays the moolah and keeps body and soul…