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Flash Fiction


Mrinalini was up, even before the crack of dawn, fresh with renewed vigour to embark upon the day’s chores. Sipping her morning cup of steaming coffee, a necessity in most south Indian households, she quickly ran through the “hundred” things she needed to do that day. Life on a farm was hardly a romantic tryst with nature! “Did you have a good rest last night?” – Mrinalini enquired fondly, as she stroked Vaidehi and placed some fodder and water before her. Later, when the sun was up, she would take Vaidehi out to a part of the farm for grazing. As she cleaned the cow-shed, Mrinalini’s thoughts flitted over toSubramani and Gauri. All of them had been like her own children, siblings to her son and daughter. But that was in the past. Subramanihad succumbed to a health issue and was now resting in peace adjacent to the coconut sapling.…