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We have many examples of cheating to win.  Cheating is a form of unethical shortcuts to win.  It is prevalent at any level, individual, corporate, and in governments.  When cheating is prevalent, the tendency “when everyone does it” becomes an excuse for others to do the same.  This excuse is one of the main reasons why corruption perpetuates in developing and underdeveloped countries, because it is hard to make a living by honest means when others are getting ahead by cheating.  Everyone wants to live, get ahead.  Bribing becomes a part of daily life for even a simple act.  Bribing for admission, for a job, to expedite a process becomes normal.  But it is not limited to these countries.  Affluent countries do it in a grand scale that may or may not hurt the poorer segment of the society as bad or not deny them a minimal living condition. “Winning…