I finally have my own contracting outfit, Elite Edge Electrical. I’m doing well. I specialize in strip malls. I labor up and down the east coast. I did stray after a fellow named Phil Blaine I met at a Dayton, Ohio convention who needed help with some projects. His punctuality reputation was in danger. I got him back on schedule. My crew put in some long hours. On the last day on a site near the University of Findlay, I stop at a bar called The Pub Jeb Costello. Blue felt covers the pool table. Intricate woodwork borders the mirror, gargoyle at middle and one at each corner. The brass bar beneath my foot retrieves the familiarity of Rock’s back home: bar food in jars visible, lamb tongues, pig’s feet, ham hocks, and pickled eggs. I order a Heineken. Local news is on the TV, a story about a Cooper…