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Swati Agrawal


If life is a school, loss is a major part of the curriculum. To begin with, we enter the world suffering from the loss of our mother’s womb – the safest place we inhabited. We are thrust into an unknown territory where we’re not always fed when we are hungry, when we don’t know if anyone will return to the crib. As we get older, we lose our toys when they break or get misplaced, we lose competitions, championships, first loves and so on. In the years that follow, we lose teachers, friends, companions and parents, and yet we wistfully hope that things and people will remain as they are. We even discover ways to indemnify ourselves against loss: we detach, we deny, we save others, we help them with their hurts so we don’t have to feel ours, we become so self-reliant that we will never need anyone. Our…