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Sreelekha Gopala Pillai (USA)


My mom and I peered at the jackfruit tree. It was tall and healthy! But at the ripe age of 60 something, the tree had not fruited yet and my mom, who was the same age, knew precisely why! According to her, the tree was an egoist! I am like, “mom…, I have a bachelor’s degree in Botany. I also studied landscape design. I courted several hundred trees but never met an egoist!” Mom turned to me. “You think Ego is a human thing? Every living thing has a sense of self that drives us all to survive! That sense goes off balance sometimes. Trees are no exception!” Isn’t that profound? Imagine the perfect looking plant in your perfect garden refusing to flower or fruit! You don’t have to worry about bees dying, dogs peeing, mulch choking, over vigor, under-care, nothing! It is an egoist! Now, what do you do…