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Shreya Thokala


On the last day of my exams, I was waiting for my father to pick me up. It was a sultry afternoon, with no one but few pedestrians on the road. I felt uncomfortable and exhausted and could wait no longer. And the mask on my face added to the situation. I was disgusted at the idea of offline exams, in the pandemic. I reached home after an hour of suffocation. “Didn’t you come by a car?” inquired my mum, handing me a towel and clothes to change. “We came by the car. But the AC wasn’t working, so we had to suffer.” explained my dad. By then I took a shower and waited for my parents in the dining hall. Dad and I sat down for lunch. Mum served us with brown rice and some curry, while she asked me about my exam. “It was good” I answered. After…