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Nagavijayalakshmi Vydyanathan


Alice let herself in with her pair of keys, slammed the door shut with a quick thrust of her foot, flung her shoes and bags around and plopped down on the living room sofa. Her face was grumpy, but there was also a faint hint of a smirk at the corner of her lips as she glanced at her belongings strewn about. After lounging on the sofa for sometime, Alice got up and strolled into the kitchen to whip up a quick snack. Her tummy was starting to gnaw at her insides, making fervent pleas for satiation. The kitchen was as usual stocked up with things she liked, thanks to mom for that, thought Alice. Taking her peanut butter sandwich with her, Alice trudged up the stairs to her room, the lethargy of her humdrum existence weighing her down. She knew what she would do – it was the same…