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Michael Serrapica (USA)


In 1776 I fought in a revolution, armed with a single-shot musket, against the world’s greatest superpower. Our mission, led by General George Washington, who would become our first president, was to escape rule by monarchy, actually tyranny, dictatorship, and set the United States of America free for democracy because “all men are created equal.” The odds of our success were highly improbable but we prevailed. In the years and decades and centuries that followed, you squandered what I and my comrades and George Washington fought for. Washington did not belong to a political party and, in fact, advised against them. Today, we are governed by two political parties that are ruled by the same masters, whose only interest is profit; and retain control by constantly sowing division and even hatred among us, so we will not rise up against them, like we did in 1776. This is, again, tyranny…