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Lesley Anne Truchet (FRANCE)


George Black turned up the volume of the wireless in order to drown the noisy chimes emanating from the grandfather clock and added more coal to the range. A train driver by profession, he was a gifted craftsman and loved working with wood in his spare time. During the course of his life he’d made many useful and decorative objects. His hobby had begun out of necessity making useful items for his wife and family – doorstops, ironing boards, stools and simple pieces of furniture. With experience he progressed to toys – carts, trucks, boats, whips and tops, kites, puzzles and dolls houses. He also created other objects such as trinket boxes and decorative picture frames. He refused to accept money for his work; the pleasure in making the objects was payment enough, but people found ways to show their gratitude. George and his wife had eaten countless home-made pies,…