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Leigh Doughty (UK)


‘Please, don’t fire me,’ said Colm. The manager looked him in the face and kept very still. ‘The decision has been made.’ ‘But I can improve. I’ve only been here two weeks.’ The manager turned over a piece of paper on his desk and frowned. ‘In the two weeks you have been here you have made three sales. The average salesman here makes six sales a day – minimum.’ ‘I’m new. Plus, I’ve got time to improve,’ said Colm as he leaned onto the edge of his chair. ‘When we hired you, I remember you saying you were a people’s person.’ ‘I am,’ answered Colm, ‘I love people. I’m great with people.’ ‘Yet when you’re here you look at your shoes more than you look at the customer.’ Colm had no answer. ‘Listen, the decision has been made and today is your last day. You will be paid the basic…