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John C. Krieg (USA)


Author: Joseph Mark Glazner Publisher: Toronto Glazner Books Pages: 390 Price: $16.99 This memoir delves into what was the main generational conundrum during what could have been the most idyllic period of the early baby boomer generation’s late teens and early twenties; that being whether to align with what the old white men running America were telling us concerning the “conflict” in South Vietnam, or to trust what our instincts were telling us concerning being sold a bill of goods that we were expected to blindly buy into.  The baby boomers are classified as those born between 1946 and 1964 who were created when the men returned from the European and Pacific theaters and the country entered an unprecedented period of economic prosperity. With more disposable income couples had more license to birth more children and birth them they did by pumping our 76.4 million kids before tapering off in the…