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Gordon Parker (USA)


When I was very young, I called her Big Momma.  She wasn’t really big.   I was really small. Later, my cousins and I called her Mamaw.  Her name was Blanche.  Her nickname was Pigie.  I asked more than once how she got that nickname but never got a clear answer. She was a scion of one of the oldest families in northwest Louisiana’s Sabine Parish.  She was the strongest personality I have ever encountered.  Finding herself alone to raise two young sons just as the Great Depression crippled America, she had to be strong to survive. She was my grandmother and she had a profound influence on me. She worked hard every day of her life and saved her money.  There was little luxury in her life.  Even when something nice came her way, it would more likely be put away for later than used right away.  Like the window…