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Debkanya Roy


PROLOGUE Sometimes you sail through life, you live and feel. And then on an autumn night you realise you reflect more than you live, life has churned you into a mirrorball. A shiny mirrorball intricately built. And all this time what you thought was yours was actually everybody’s. And now when a single piece of glass breaks, there is a scar irreplaceably yours, yours to keep. And you spin but only shine when there is light flickering in the room. Your reflective glass too gets engulfed into the darkness which surrounds you. And lastly, you are just a mirrorball who is trying very hard. ———————– Enchanting, a word best described by rosy cheeks and fireflies, or maybe butterflies because that is the right word chosen for us. Feelings and animals are really close to each other isn’t? You are in love; you must have butterflies in your stomach or might…