In the Exosphere of the Planet Earth sat a judge,known when alive, by the doubly inappropriate name of Patience Drinkwater. “Greetings, Newly Arrived,” said Patienceanda storm gathered around her Size 10 feet. “We are here this morning for the assignation of yoursouls either to an appropriate sphere or to a period of Penance. She shuffled the papers on her lectern. “As some of us have other pressing engagements,”she said in an aside to the jury .“We shall have to make do with an eighty percent unanimity if necessary.” There were four souls waiting in the dock and wearing a variety of masks. One bore a cat’s mouth drawn onto its whiteness, one was imprinted with the Stars and Stripes, one had a Ned Kellyishflavour and the other was white. The judge pushed the curls of her wig off her face and cleared herlong throat. “Your placement will be based on…