The gentle hum of turbines lulled the passengers of the CW-48 space lift to sleep. One of them, Robert Smart, struggled with fatigue. He spent the first part of the journey to the Finesia space station studying the report prepared by the investigators. Torn from his comfortable bed at half past five, he drove straight to Europol headquarters in The Hague, where his immediate superior gave him his orders. “You will go to the space station Finesia. Take the documents. Departure in two hours from the Bosphorus lander. You will investigate the death of Jens Bogatoff, the owner of the station”. “As you wish, boss. I only wish you had let me sleep. To the dead man, my rage and a few coffees drunk in his honour are no longer helpful.” “Stop joking, Smart. I had to get up earlier than you, in fact I didn’t go to bed at…