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Abhijit Rabha


A forest officer’s job is never done. It is like a seamstress with her perpetual sewing job…one stitch after another. I am a forester by profession.  But, the Canadian Foresters beg to differ. For them, Forestry is a Profession..and for members of the Indian Forest Service it is just an occupation. Our forestry sector is a product of the British Colonial times. In 1826, a Treaty Of Peace was signed at a place named Yandabo in the Burmese Kingdom under the shade of a tree. Not far away from that shade flowed a river. There were representatives from the East India Company and the King of Ava and none from the decadent Ahom kingdom that ruled the Brahmaputra Valley. The Article 2 of this Treaty brought the Ahom kingdom under the British control. The article reads as follows : “His Majesty the King of Ava renounces all the claims upon…