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“Get out of our way, weirdo!” they shouted,

I felt like I was being crushed under a mountain,

My heart pounded in my chest, tears came next,

I felt lonely, fallen and devastated.

They took my specs, flinging it to the ground,

All my tears melted their words into the background,

I hadn’t the will to walk another mile,

Their chains of words bound me to the soil.

The end. Those words resounded in my mind,

So with blood and a little hurt I would not be confined,

In the barriers of their words- no longer a loner too,

No longer being stung by words, punches and shoes.

So that night, when the stars glowed,

Weirdo!” in my ears was what echoed,

The night sky sneered at me,

It seemed to resonate,“Fatty! Fatty!

The horizon was caliginous, like my soul,

If only someone said a few words to console,

If someone had said to me that I was not-

‘Weird, lunatic and lost.’

That I was more than a lock without a key,

That slitting open my wrists wouldn’t set me free.

If you all had told me a day before yesterday,

Like you did today, in hospital, where I lay,

That being so wonderful was not a crime I committed,

That a ‘nerd’ is not dim witted,

That you might think I’m weird, but that does not define me,

That I was a slave of your words but could always be free.

However hard I tried, I couldn’t become one of you,

Because I was weird and wonderful, all through.

Tanvi Nagar

Tanvi Nagar has published three books, ‘Treasure Trove of Poetic Wonderland’, ‘A Bountiful of Rhythmic Stories’ being two of them and has contributed to ‘She the Shakti’ Anthology. She has been awarded for her writing by the Children Book Trust, Neev Magazine, Delhi Poetry Slam and Small but Mighty Writers.

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