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December 2023


It is Christmas time.  There is Christmas music in the air coming from the lobby.  As I look down from upstairs I see a small group of young men and women near a grand piano.  Someone’s fingers make that piano belch out beautiful music as the group sings.  They are wearing Santa’s red hat.  The conductor’s hand goes up and down as they sing – Dashing through the snow.  Snow rarely ever comes to Houston. I am at a hospital that specializes only in cancer.  It is supposed to be one of the best in the world.  This facility, in particular, is devoted to breast cancer.  I have been coming here for over a year now.  People come from all over the world.  One can hear people talking in different languages.  The hospital also provides interpreters if necessary.  I notice people of all ages, mostly women.  Beautiful girls in their teens or twenties are accompanied by their mother or…