Title: When War is Over 1969 – 1975: Flower Children, Futurists, and the Last Surprise of the Vietnam War: A Memoir Author: Joseph Mark Glazner Toronto. Copyright 2023. Price: $15.99 (Paperback) Like Glazner’s previous work entitled:California: 1963 – 1967 Spaceship Earth(2022) and Life After America: A Memoir about the Wild and Crazy 1960s (2017) this memoir is of particular interest to the “Vietnam Generation,” “The Woodstock Generation,” boomers, geezers, those of us who are old and about to die. But it should also appeal to peaceniks, and any remnants of the peace and love philosophy who still believe that it will survive well into this new millennium. Take note of the title which makes no mention of the war but only war meaning all war. Given the dates, the war in question, of course, is America’s “Conflict” in South Vietnam. When we last left the author in 1969 he was…