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December 2021


That year the monsoon did not arrive on time. There were other years when the monsoon did not arrive on time but that year was unusually hot and to wait for the rains over the days seemed like waiting over the ages. If you stare a bit too long at the sky devoid of any clouds with the scorching sun staring back, you will find that unawares your lower jaw has dropped into a dumb-struck stare. So when Dukhey was arrested in such a pose early in the morning, his wife Moyna while passing by could not help but comment, Haa kore ki dekhcho. This made Dukhey conscious of his demeanour and he shifted his gaze away from the sky. But it was not only Dukhey. A couple of hours later it was Dukhey’s uncle, Horen, who was caught in the same posture of awe while in the field.  And…